How to Add the PrintFriendly Browser Tool to Mozilla Firefox

Hey everyone! Today we're going to show you a quick tip on how to add the PrintFriendly browser tool to the bookmarks bar on Mozilla Firefox latest version. As of now, the latest version available for Windows computers is 35. So we've made a nice little animated GIF file for you which you can see to learn how to add the PrintFriendly button to your bookmarks bar in moments!

As you can see, it takes a few seconds to add the PrintFriendly browser tool to the bookmarks bar of your Firefox 35 web browser. It gives you quick access to PrintFriendly feature, enabling you to generate a PDF or print any webpage you are viewing without having to go to

You can also install our PrintFriendly & PDF Firefox Add-on to your browser to add the button to your browser without showing up your bookmarks bar.

If you have a question, do not hesitate to send us an email at and we'll be happy to assist you.

Use PrintFriendly for your printing needs and recommend the tool to your friends. Help save papers by eliminating all the junk from the webpage that doesn't need to be printed.